Virtual Reality: The Training Ground of the Future

May 17, 2022

Virtual Reality: The Training Ground of the Future

Virtual reality has been used for training since the early 1990s, when the technology was first developed. It has since been used for a variety of training applications, including military, medical and industrial. It is beneficial as it allows businesses to train employees in a realistic environment without the need for expensive, physical equipment or facilities. Enabling businesses to train employees’ new skills or help them practice existing ones in a controlled environment.

So why should your business be considering immersive technology, or virtual reality specifically, for any training?

Increased Engagement and Accelerated Retention

Virtual reality is a powerful tool for increasing engagement and the retention of teaching material. When used in conjunction with other instructional methods, VR can help students stay focused and engaged in the material through the use of gamification and physical interactions. Additionally, VR can provide a safe and controlled environment in which users are able to learn new skills or practice difficult tasks, that otherwise would not be feasible or safe.

Reliable Repeatability at Scale

Virtual reality allows for simulations of complex environments or machinery to be played out safely for each trainee hundreds or thousands of times. This makes the technology perfect for high-risk scenarios like those in Medicine or Industrial businesses, where the user would also able to practice technique at home and extend their traditional learning routines.

As well as providing a platform for the accelerated learning of new skills, VR can be used as an excellent tool for rehabilitation or required repeat annual trainings like those present in the fire safety industry for extinguisher use.


As modern hardware becomes more accessible, virtual reality training is often more cost-effective than traditional in-person training. The technology can be used to create simulations that replicate real-world scenarios, providing employees with the opportunity to gain valuable experience and skills without the need for costly materials, equipment or travel.

Additionally, virtual reality can be used to create customized training programs/experiences that are specific to an organization’s needs, ensuring that employees are receiving the most relevant and effective training possible.

Need More?

This article provided a very short summary of just a few of the benefits virtual reality can provide for user training, for more details or information specific for your business; please get in touch!

Contact us to chat with our team, we’d love to hear about your project.